Wednesday, September 20, 2017

good action research response

During my journey to my TIP involving action research, I've had a hard time wrapping my head around the purpose of action research. I get that it was supposed to be a tool that allows a teacher to change up their classroom for their students, but the dynamic nature of the research made very little sense to me. After perusing this article however, I think I finally get action research. One line that seems to sum up most of what we have learned throughout our studies these past two years regarding action research can be seen in this excerpt from the article: "It operates in partnership with practitioners and we need to discuss and shape our research question and design with the practitioners." This line has only made me more confident with my choice of action research for my TIP. Furthermore, there needs to be a desire to practice action research and there must also be relevance in what you’re researching. By working with practitioners directly, these goals can be easier to attain. The text supports this claim as well by simply stating  "Working in partnership with practitioners pretty much ensures the practical aims will be met". I very much appreciate this article. 

50ish questions

Write down questions about your students, context, school, self, your practice, etc. Anything about what you do on a daily basis. Enter in your blog. Due next class.
What other methods can I use to get to know my students?
Are there any good classroom games?
Are there easy ways to transfer a technology based lesson when technology itself is not working?
What can a teacher do to hold students accountable?
How can teacher foster students holding themselves accountable?
How often should technology be used in the classroom?
How can technology (e.g. chromebooks) affect a student’s academic performance?
What about technology affecting a student’s attentiveness/participation?
Can working for technology be counterproductive to a students participation?
How often will I miss meetings because of IEP meetings?
How will my absence affect my relationship with other staff?
What can I do to reach kids on my caseload I hardly ever see?
What can a teacher do to motivate their students to be on time to class?
If they are late due to the business of the halls, going from one end of the school to the other, should I mark a student tardy?
How do I set up my class details on Synergy?
How should I set up my filing cabinet?
Should it have a file of each of my students?
If I am outside the school in an external classroom, what can I do to let my students know where I am?
How much should I DR for other staff meetings?
Who should I ask to DR for my meetings?
What if I can’t get anyone other than a handful of people to come to an IEP meeting?
Should the meeting still be held despite the fact that people are coming in and out of the meeting?
What can I do to keep myself level headed during the day?
What are some efficient ways to get students attention during class?
How can I involve students who are reluctant to participate?
Where should I post my expectations for the classroom?
How much humor should you use with your students?
How much time should I give for doing work in class?
In regards to students blurting out, what can a teacher do to discourage this behavior?
What is a more efficient way to design your classroom as far as desk arrangements?
When creating a schedule on the board, what should the labels and sections be other than the day and date?
What is an efficient way of sharing assignments from other classes so that students in mine can work on them?
How do you determine a books reading level?
What can be used to help students retain information from a given text?
What kind of activities could I use in tandem with a whole-class read-aloud?
What are some good books for teens?
Should I focus on texts that are uncommon to their curriculum, or stick with the tried-and-true method?
Regarding synergy, what is the best way to gather the schedules of the students on your caseload?
Where should I look to find the students medical needs/supports/accommodations/modifications?
How can students and parents view the students profile and grades?
When trying to gather information for an IEP meeting, who are other staff I should speak to?
How can I best communicate with parents?
How often should I contact parents?
How do I deal with angry parents on the phone?
When is it kosher to give a kid a referral?
What are some other ways to enforce the classroom expectations?
What can I do to pace myself?
Where can I get more classroom supplies?
How much is my budget?
Where can I spend it? Office max? Book store for in-class reading? Goodwill for games?